Privacy Policy

What this privacy notice covers

Lister High is committed to protecting your personal information. In this notice, references to ‘we’, ‘us’ or ‘our’ mean Lister Haigh. This notice explains how we collect and use the personal information about you.

Who we are

Lister Haigh (Knaresborough) Limited (Lister Haigh) is a private limited company by guarantee under registration number 6750526. The registered office is 106, High Street, Knaresborough, North Yorkshire HG5 0HN.

Lister Haigh operates the website

Lister Haigh is a data controller under data protection legislation. Contact details are shown at the end of this notice.

Information we gather

We collect your information and store it in electronic and paper files and on our internal electronic databases. Directors, staff and administrator of Lister Haigh have access to the records and databases and are permitted to make alterations to any information held on paper files or electronic record.

The information we hold:-

  • Name
  • Professional qualifications and job title
  • Home address
  • Phone Numbers (home, business and mobile)
  • Email address (Personal and business)

Additional information we may collect from Clients:

  • Bank details
  • National Insurance details
  • Information to enable us to undertake a credit or financial check
  • Information to enable us to check and verify your identity e.g. your date of birth, passport details and copies of utility bills.
  • Information relating to the matter in which you have instructed us
  • Copies of title deeds, tenancy agreements, option and promotion agreements
  • Financial details relating to your instruction
  • Medical information you provide to us.

Additional information we may collect from Applicants

  • Information to enable us to undertake a credit or financial check
  • Information to enable us to check and verify your identity e.g. your date of birth, passport details and copies of utility bills.
  • Your property search requirements
  • Your source of funding, buying position and mortgage status

Additional information we may collect from Business and Marketing Contacts

  • Details of your online presence

Your information is collected from:

  1. Application forms by post and email
  2. From publicly available sources (HM Land Registry, Companies House, BT Phone Book)
  3. Email, post, fax and mail correspondence with Lister Haigh Directors
  4. Contact via phone
  5. Lister Haigh social media channels
  6. In-person contacts with Lister Haigh officers, members and affiliates
  7. Credit reference agencies
  8. Your bank, building society, legal and tax advisers:

We will use your information to:

  1. Administer and manage your instruction to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations
  2. Maintain relevant contact including, but not limited to sending you information in the future
  3. Maintain the accuracy of your information and communicate with you for any other reasons related to your instruction or request
  4. Share with HMRC
  5. Share with other regulatory authorities and any other party when sharing of information is required by law when you have given consent

What is the legal basis of processing your data

The legal basis of processing employees ‘contract’ as defined by Article 6 of the General Data Protection Regulations where processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party, in this case the contract for employment. In other instances, we may rely on the ‘legitimate interest’, ‘legal obligation’ or ‘consent’ basis for lawful processing.

A legitimate interest is when we have a business or commercial reason to use your information, so long as this is not overridden by your own rights and interests.

The table below explains what we use (process) your personal data for and our reasons for doing so.



What we use your personal data for

Our reasons

To provide Agency, Valuation and Surveying services to you

For the performance of our contract with you or to take steps at your request before entering into a contract

Conducting identification checks

Other processing necessary to comply with our professional, legal and regulatory obligations

To comply with out legal and regulatory obligations

Providing information required by or relating to audits, enquiries or investigations by regulatory bodies

To comply with our legal and regulatory obligations

Complying with operation and quality systems e.g, policies covering security and internet use, training and improving efficiencies

For our legitimate interest or those of a third party, i.e. to make sure we are following our own internal procedures so we can deliver the best service to you

Ensuring the confidentiality of commercially sensitive information

For our legitimate interests or those of a third party. To comply with our legal and regulatory obligations

Analysis of data to help us manage our firm e.g. financial performance, client base, work type or other efficiency measures 

For our legitimate interests or those of a third party, i.e. to be as efficient as we can so we can deliver the best service for you at the best price.

Security, preventing access and modifications to systems

For our legitimate interest or those of a third party, e.g, to prevent and detect criminal activity that could be damaging for us and for you,

To comply with our legal and regulatory obligations

Updating client records

For the performance of our contract with you or to take steps at your request before entering into a contract.

To comply with our legal and regulatory obligations.

For our legitimate interests or those of a third party, e.g, making sure that we can keep in touch with our clients about existing and new services.

Statutory returns

To comply with our legal and regulatory obligations

Ensuring safe working practices, staff administration and assessments

To comply with our legal and regulatory obligations.

For our legitimate interest or those of a third party, e.g, to make sure we are following our own internal procedures and working efficiently so we can deliver the best service to you

Marketing our services to:

Existing and former clients

Business contacts, Contractors and Suppliers

Agency Applicants

We will obtain consent in order to contact you.   Initially we may rely on legitimate interest, but we will give the option to opt out of those mailing lists.

Credit reference checks via external credit reference agencies

For our legitimate interest e.g, to ensure applicants are able to pay rents for properties available to rent

External audits and quality checks and the audit of our accounts

For our legitimate interests or those of a third party, to maintain our accreditations so we can demonstrate we operate at the highest standards.

To comply with our legal and regulatory obligations

Who will have access to the information

 All directors of the company, authorised staff and administrator.

We sometimes outsource some of the services set out above, to reputable third parties, including the purpose of ensuring the security of your data. We require third parties to comply strictly with our instructions and data protection laws and we will make sure that appropriate controls are in place where third parties have access to personal data. We enter into contracts with all of our data processors and regularly monitor their activities to ensure they are complying with Lister Haigh’s policies and procedures.

We take reasonable organisational and technical measures to protect your information against unauthorised access, modification or misuse. We use services provided by reputable security providers and your information is accessed on a needs-only basis.

How long will we keep your information

In the absence of any legal requirements, your personal data will be retained for as long as necessary for the purposes of processing listed above. Unless agreed otherwise we will keep information for at least 6 years. Thereafter we will retain such information as we reasonable require in the conduct of our business.

How to keep us updated with any changes to your information

We would like you to keep us updated if the personal data we hold on you is inaccurate or incomplete.

All requests to update your personal data must be sent in writing to Lister Haigh and the third parties above will be informed, where possible.

Failing to keep us updated with your personal data and contact details may mean we are not able to carry out our reasonable responsibilities.

If you do not want to appear on the Lister Haigh website or to restrict certain processing, please notify us in writing.

Your Rights

 You have the right to:

  1. Update us and have any inaccuracies in your data corrected. If you would like to update the details we hold about you, please contact us on the details set out at the end of this notice.
  2. Request a copy of the personal information we hold about you. We require you to prove your identity with two pieces of approved identification. Please submit your request in writing to contact details shown at the end of this notice. We will respond within one month of receipt of your written request and confirmed ID. Please provide as much information as possible about the nature of your contact with us to help us locate your records. This request is free of charge unless the request is manifestly unfounded or excessive.
  3. Request that we delete your personal data so it is erased from our records.
  4. Have the data we hold about you transferred to another organisation.
  5. Object to certain types of processing such as direct marketing.
  6. Object to automated processing, including profiling.

Enquiries and Complaints

Please contact us if you have any enquiries arising from this privacy notice. Where possible, please raise all enquiries in writing.

If you are unhappy with our handling of your data or something that we have done or failed to do, please inform us in writing. We will acknowledge receipt of all complaints and will endeavour to investigate the complaint as soon as reasonably practicable.

All complaints should be sent to:

The Managing Director, Lister Haigh (Knaresborough) Ltd, 106, High Street, Knaresborough, HG5 0HN

Tel: 01423 860322 or Fax: 01423 860513  

You may also complain directly to the Information Commissioner’s Office if you are concerned with how we are handling your personal information. Their contact details are shown below:

Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF

Tel: 0303 123 1113 or 01625 545745 or

Review of Lister Haigh Privacy Notice

This Notice was last reviewed in May 2018. The content of the policy may be reviewed and changed without prior notice, please visit the notice on our website for any changes. We may update the terms of this privacy notice at any time, so please do check it from time to time.